The students are back and the first day of classes are history. After the annual opening rally feast, the worship time featured our new worship leader, Veronica. Veronica works in the front office and is the cheerful voice you hear on the phone when you call. Her husband Lenin, who just returned from Afghanistan, has joined us as Student Life coordinator. Lenin has a passion for evangelism and will be re-introducing our students to the joy of street work with downtown mission such as Union Gospel Mission.
This year marks the first time our incoming class is dominated by men. Fellows out numbered the girls two to one in the freshmen class. India and Quebec are represented this year along with Korea, Taiwan, Haiti, Iran, and the US. It is going to be a great International dinner later this term.
I challenged the students last night with the same challenge Mordecai gave to Esther.(Es 4:14) They are here in this place for this season to accomplish something greater then themselves. Even though the steps on their journey may seem random, God has directed them to be here. It will be up to them how much God is able to accomplish in them.
It is shaping up to be a great year.