!!!Resurrection Morning!!!
As the world wakes up on this "normal day" and goes about it's business, I wonder how many Christians pause to think about what the day actually means. This year of all years, the presenters of the messages in the pulpits of the church should be stressing the bodily resurrection of Jesus. The miracle of the Easter morning is not that the stone was rolled away. Or that an angel spoke to Mary, or that the tomb was empty. The miracle was the risen Christ. Jesus left His place at the side of the Father to obediently come to earth to live among mankind. Though sinless, He suffered death for our sakes and a cruel death it was. The romans who were experts at death, pronouced him dead and he was hastily wrapped and spiced.
But praise God the story does not end there. Jesus Christ rose from that tomb, walked, talked, taught, teased and even ate with His followers. As the first born from the dead, Jesus makes a way for us. Jesus is alive! and because He lives I shall live too!
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